SPEEDY PROJECTS RESOURCES (SPR) has been establish on January 11th, 2016 with company registration number 002503036-A was located in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
At the beginning, SPR was incorporated as an Engineering Company, mainly in mechanical and electrical fields.
Generally, the company involve in any engineering requirement, which required by factories or others users.
Then, based on technical knowledge’s and experiences, the nature of business was diversified, not only focusing in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering fields but also Civil Works, Engineering Design, Project Consultant and Management and Servicing Works.
Our expertise is on Overhaul Machine, Service and Repairing Machine, Fabricate New Parts, Alignment and Balancing Jobs, Supply New Electrical for Industry (factory) and Machine, Checking and Re-Format PLC System, Supply and Repairing Piping System and related jobs.